Kaelynn is very into princesses right now and she got a Cinderella doll which she loved. She also got a princess learning laptop and an Easy Bake oven. The boys received a couple of DVD's, a Bible, and Razor scooters. Since we have hardwood floors, they've been riding them around the house because it's to cold to go outside :)
Another tradition we've started is to sleep together in the family room by the Christmas tree. The jury is still out on whether this is a good tradition or not. As I listened to the steady beat of snoring from all 4 of my other family members and coughing from at least two at 3:30am, I was wondering if we should rethink this one. I suppose it will get easier as they get older. I don't think any of us got a whole lot of sleep last night. In fact, I ended up getting up to fill the stockings at 4:00am since I wasn't sleeping anyways.
Yes, that's a big screen that we are watching The Polar Express on. The previous owners of our house left a projector and screen in our family room. At first I was very annoyed by this because it is big and ugly, but it was a ton of fun last night to watch the movie on. We also can hook it up to the TV and are thinking a Super Bowl party will be in our future for January :)
Kaelynn sporting the 3D glasses for the movie.
We are looking forward to spending time with family in Grand Forks and Minneapolis over the next week. That is, if we aren't snowed in. We're expecting 8-14 inches of snow and high winds in the next 24-48 hours. We pray you all have a wonderful time with family and friends. Merry Christmas from our house to yours!